Friday, May 18, 2007

What would you do?

Boy (5yrs):
”Wouldn’t it be odd if there would be only two persons in the world?”

Grandma (50+yrs):
”What would you and your sister do then?”

Boy (grinning in enlightenment after a moment of thought):
”Speak dirty words.”


Belle Etoile said...

I'm laughing thinking about that comment. It's like when kids say that when they grow up, they're going to eat candy all day, never any real food. But your's is much funnier.

Thanks for the laugh.

opax said...

There was a part two for this that happened few days later, but I can't remember it correctly. When kids say something like this I should write a note.

The Mad Fishicist said...

i would walk around in my underwear.

Belle Etoile said...

You mean when you grow up you're still going to walk around in your underwear?

opax said...

Men don't grow up.