Thursday, June 21, 2007


About two and a half weeks ago my cellphone went permanently silent after a dive to a river. Generally speaking, that is the way to go for my cameras and cellphones. I did purchase an Aquapac after the incident, but a friend of mine also challenged me by asking why did I carry a phone to the river in the first place. Its a valid question and I actually did leave cellphone to my car last time I went fishing. The reason for carrying a cellphone to river would have something to do with being reachable or matters of personal safety. I'm not sure do I really like to be reached when I'm fishing (Mrs Opax has the final word for this one, unless I forget the phone to car), and as for the safety, I don't know what good a phone can do if I'm drowning. But I'm off the target here: this post is about being addicted. And I'm addicted to the Internet.

The best ways to reach the Internet from nearly everywhere is by a business cellphone. I just (and finally) got a new one today. For the last two hours I have done nothing but playing with the thing. I just counted that it a takes 26 seconds to open a bookmarked web page. After that it works a lot faster as the browser program is already started.

So what was it like in last two and a half weeks to be without an Internet connected cellphone? Was the quality of life improved? Definitely not, although I do admit that I sometimes overuse this device. Gladly the feedback coming form my kids is instantaneous.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Testing Blogger in draft: Video

Dad-Son-Talk #4322

Son: "Look dad, I'm cleaning the mirror."

Dad: "Hey! Don't lick it!"

Monday, June 11, 2007


A friend of mine has showed me a few basic tricks to enhance my photographs and it has made a big deal with my photographing in a last few months. Basic instruction is this: add some light, add some shadow, and finally a little bit of saturation. This time I have greatly overdone the saturation.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Every winter I miss clouds.

At winter the clouds are different, all shapeless and dull. At summer they are everything. (As a little boy I saw God in one.)

One of my my favourite moments with my brother is when we watched a huge thunderstorm dancing over city.
Rain poured down on us until we were soaking wet.
We didn't care.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

It has been 3 years (and one week) with this amazing girl (of mine)

I can't imagine her to be anything more than she is, but she amazes me every day.

Missing Work

If you work for IT company, you got to love Office Space. Right now this 'missing work' part is too close to reality.