About two and a half weeks ago my cellphone went permanently silent after a dive to a river. Generally speaking, that is the way to go for my cameras and cellphones. I did purchase an Aquapac after the incident, but a friend of mine also challenged me by asking why did I carry a phone to the river in the first place. Its a valid question and I actually did leave cellphone to my car last time I went fishing. The reason for carrying a cellphone to river would have something to do with being reachable or matters of personal safety. I'm not sure do I really like to be reached when I'm fishing (Mrs Opax has the final word for this one, unless I forget the phone to car), and as for the safety, I don't know what good a phone can do if I'm drowning. But I'm off the target here: this post is about being addicted. And I'm addicted to the Internet.
The best ways to reach the Internet from nearly everywhere is by a business cellphone. I just (and finally) got a new one today. For the last two hours I have done nothing but playing with the thing. I just counted that it a takes 26 seconds to open a bookmarked web page. After that it works a lot faster as the browser program is already started.
So what was it like in last two and a half weeks to be without an Internet connected cellphone? Was the quality of life improved? Definitely not, although I do admit that I sometimes overuse this device. Gladly the feedback coming form my kids is instantaneous.